A word on the media from this weekend. I'll probably take a bit longer than usual to process it. This is because I'm playing around with a few different new ways to capture and process the media.
CQBCity is a bit of a photographer's nightmare. On one end of the field, near the doors, you have sunshine and fairly high light environment. On the other end of the field, it's a mix of fluorescent and natural light, but pretty low. The Pistol Palace is just plain dark and the Killhouse changes from mixed lowlight, artificial high amount of light to total darkness. On top of that, the wood boards make the Automatic White Balance (AWB) cry, the green netting around the staging area is hard to capture correctly (and it ends up on a lot of pics).
I used to shoot in JPEG because for the bulk of what I used to do, it was all I needed. I'm used to shooting in low and super low light, but the type of light (and white balance) stayed the same. But with the changing conditions at CQBCity, I had to switch to RAW. I have a hard time looking at the old set of pics and not puking a little in my mouth. The colors just look fucking terribad. Switching to RAW means I need to create a more extensive processing pipeline. Which I'm having a hard time doing (or doing right). And that's taking a bit of time. But it also means the color rendering (and a few other things) come out more consistent, brighter and .. well.. correct.
The pics look a lot better already. My ratio of usable/garbage has gone up (it used to be around 8%). I did really miss the burst speed of JPEG yesterday, but I can adapt I guess.
I'll be shipping a few pics over to MilsimJunkie that he took with my camera so you'll get to see those. The rest will be up later in the week.
As for the movies, I tried playing around with a few new settings. It won't be the sort of movie a lot of us are used to watching for airsoft. I was mostly trying to test out a few things to see what works, what fails, what is a total waste of time. The footage that works looks pretty cool (at least to me... ).
I also took a few request pics for some teams and I got some of my favorite pictures EVER.
We are looking forward to said requested team pics :P